


Eggpreneur Poultry Farming Workshop Slides and Workbook. These are used during training workshops as the foundation for Eggpreneur’s poultry farming and business management curriculum.

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Training Implementation Guide. This manual instructs a congregation on how to replicate Eggpreneur’s model in its own community. Modules on business and poultry management skills guide a congregation through the development of its own poultry enterprise as well as its community members’ enterprises

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Sisters Dual-Poultry Enterprise Proposal. This proposal for Catholic congregations recommends that one arm of their poultry enterprise generates profit by raising chicks and the other arm creates impact by engaging the community.


To empower women and promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth in remote, rural areas.


Develop tools for scaling, including an enhanced version of the Eggpreneur curriculum with more entrepreneurship skills, and to develop strategies to partner with Catholic Sisters.

Research Activities

Eggpreneur needs additional training resources for local women and Catholic Sisters. Its goal of expanding is constrained by human resources and financial commitments required for creating a social enterprise, the need for complementary learning materials during training workshops, and the lack of integration of financial literacy in the existing training curriculum.

To address these challenges, we immersed ourselves in a Catholic congregation in Kenya and conducted 25 semi-formal interviews with the Catholic Sisters to learn about their assets, challenges, and goals. We also observed two Eggpreneur training workshops and interviewed 20 local community members to determine areas of improvement for the training. We created and administered a business diagnostic test to five Catholic Sisters to assess their existing business knowledge.

Key Findings:

    1. Business model innovation is necessary for scaling. As Eggpreneur partners with congregations to scale out, it must modify its business model to maximize both profit and impact to fit the needs of Catholic Sisters and their communities.
    2. Eggpreneur’s model creates a strong platform for teaching financial literacy skills. Because of the various costs and revenue streams of poultry farming, Eggpreneur’s training curriculum creates an opportunity for women to learn budgeting, saving, and marketing tactics that can be used to implement social enterprises.
    3. Catholic Sisters must dedicate resources for their social enterprises to succeed. Congregation must have a shared strategic vision that supports the funding and time required for Sisters to engage in social enterprise initiatives.

What the Entrepreneurs Are Saying

Hosting and working with GSBF students this summer was really exciting, their deliverables will help us grow and impact more lives, as Eggpreneur scales out. GSBF helped us develop Version 2.0 training materials, and well as workbook which we didn’t have it on early version.

This new training content will help us scale our work in a more organized way, the content will advance our brand and grow with our current Catholic Sister partners.

-Matt Dickson, Founder and CEO, Eggpreneur



Social Enterprise:

Avery James
Political Science, Communication

Lauren Serfas

Faculty Research Mentor:
Teresia Mbari Hinga, Religious Studies