
Access Afya


Digital Engagement Playbook. This playbook will help Access Afya better focus their resources to meet the needs of specific customer segments. It includes an analysis of patient perceptions, behaviors, and experiences, which we used to create a series of recommendations to assist the social enterprise in more effectively reaching and engaging their target market.


To create access to quality health care for the global mass market through sustainable care models.


To gather and analyze patient data to assess current engagement strategies and evaluate potential practices for improving engagement and reach.

Research Activities

Our research was conducted in three phases. First, we investigated current customer perceptions of Access Afya, specifically their mDaktari telemedicine app, through interviews. Second, we evaluated past data collected by the organization, to properly segment patients and identify key features of specific patient groups. Finally, we implemented surveys to quantify consumer behaviors and experiences of patients seeking healthcare. These activities will allow us to generate a more holistic understanding of AA’s target market, especially in the context of a virtual platform.

Key Findings

  1. A deeper understanding of mDaktari’s target market is essential to scaling. There are inherent barriers to making a virtual platform accessible and successful for a base-of-the-pyramid market. Refining their understanding of the urban poor communities in Nairobi will allow Access Afya to pinpoint specific interventions for enhancing user experience that will drive scaling of mDaktari.
  2. Continued use of mDaktari relies on patients recognizing its convenience features. mDaktari’s greatest appeal is its convenience, however, patients have to discover  that it is easy to register for and use mDaktari, and that wait times for a virtual consultation are short.
  3. Digital telemedicine significantly benefits from non-digital avenues of marketing. Word of mouth, business partnerships, and engaging with people directly within their local communities were all cited as being extremely effective in obtaining new, loyal patients.
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Social Enterprise:
Access Afya


Nickie Boardman

Ryan Benavente
Neuroscience, Biology