Pioneering Women-Led Cohort Supports Women Leaders in Creating Social Impact


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]For the first time in Miller Center’s 17-year history of delivering accelerator programs for social enterprises globally,  we have launched a 100% women-led cohort to help advance women leaders and women’s economic growth.

227 women social entrepreneurs from all around the world applied to this new cohort and went through a rigorous selection process. Of those, 17 women entrepreneurs were selected to participate in a 6-month GSBI® online program, combining our world-class curriculum with weekly mentoring sessions with Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and C-level managers. Each social entrepreneur will be coached by two executive mentors, including at least one woman.

In addition, this year’s program will be enhanced with customized content and activities that take into consideration the specific challenges faced by women leaders. The program will also address the impact of COVID-19 on their businesses and recommend best practices for crisis management through the pandemic.

The 17 selected women-led enterprises are from 11 countries and are dedicated to improving lives and making an impact in nine social fields — Education, Healthcare, Agriculture, Water, Infrastructure, Information Technology, Financial Services, Culture, and Artisanal Goods.

Discover the 17 social enterprises selected for the 2020 GSBI Women-led Cohort:[/vc_column_text][evc_image_gallery type=”grid” number_of_columns=”five” space_between_items=”no” images=”3530,3535,3531,3532,3533,3534,3536,3537,3538,3539,3540,3529,3541,3542,3543,3544,3545″ image_size=”150×150″ custom_links=”,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,”][vc_column_text]

“When I look back at the initial drafts of our investment pitch deck and compare them to the final product that we created through GSBI, I am absolutely stunned by the transformation. While we always had an incredible impact story to share and amazing achievements in terms of revenue and milestones, before GSBI we had no idea how to succinctly communicate a snapshot to investors. GSBI made me a better storyteller to the benefit of every element of my business.”

—Rachel Connors, Co-founder & Chief Enthusiasm Officer, Yellow Leaf Hammocks, Miller Center GSBI 2017 participant

Women’s Economic Empowerment, a Strategic Initiative with Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship

In support of the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5, Miller Center is focused on supporting women’s economic growth. Investing in women’s economic empowerment globally sets a direct path toward gender equality, poverty eradication, and inclusive economic growth. We are supporting more women in becoming successful social entrepreneurs by offering an all-women cohort that provides a space for collaboration among women and a focus on women’s leadership in addition to building a sustainable and scalable business.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]